Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Crush

As you noticed from my last post you can feel the impending pain. Just imagine your thumb turned sideways to the closing gap of the garage door panels. There was a slight delay as I slammed the door down to the floor before I noticed the intense pain shooting from my hand. I did a check reality check and noticed to tip of my thumb had disappeared into the garage door! You would not believe how quickly I reacted and actually didn't yank my thumb out (probably would've lost my thumb) but reversed the direction of the door and was able to save my opposable digit.


Anonymous said...


PrettyNoiseLab said...

Indeed! But I play guitar right handed. Picking is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... but even more important things are done with your left hand! By the way, is the dot in the center of your nail the pop spot?

PrettyNoiseLab said...

Yes, the dot is where the cauterization tool burnt a hole thru my nail. No pain and quite quick.